New Heaven/New Earth - Parents

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April 5 1983
Master New Heaven / New Earth X2462 Parents Rec. 4/15/83 Air. 4/10/83 [Label crossed out]
Slate: ‘New Heaven/New Earth VTR X2462. Rec. 4/5/83 Air 2/13/83 Dir/ Jordan’. Title: ‘New Heaven New Earth with Hubert Jessup’. Jessup leads a discussion with two groups of religious teenagers, one Episcopalian and the other Unitarian, to talk about problems in relating to their parents. Conflicts involve academics, lying about schoolwork, trust, guilt, and expectations. Discussions on being active or not in their churches, influences from parents in attending church. Credits and second close at end.
Credits; Producer: Hubert Jessup; Director: Larry Jordan.

2 Copies
