New Heaven/ New Earth - Suicide
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December 16 1982
New Heaven / New Earth X1062
Rec. 12/16/82 Air. 12/19/82
Episode opens with a report on teen suicide in the Boston area. Includes interviews with Paulette Loomis, who lost a daughter to suicide, and Shirley Karnovsky, director of the Samaritans, a suicide prevention hotline. Hubert Jessup leads a group discussion of young people, including consultant for the Criminal Justice Training Center Cheryl LePlante. They discuss their experiences with suicide. Jessup talks with Rabbi Earl Grollman of Beth El Temple Center. Discussion of depression, role of religion.
Credits: New Heaven New Earth; Produced By: Hubert Jessup; Directed By: Bob Comiskey; Audience Coordinator: Leslie Birnbaum-Fischer; Stage Manager: Jay Gravina; Cameras: Nancy Moloney, Joe Soucar; Audio: Jim Barker; Switcher: Stan Brown; Lighting: Jerry Milot; Special Thanks to: St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church Lexington, United Synagogue Youth Canton, Wellesley Congregational Church, St. Eulalia’s Church Winchester, Islamic Center Boston; Executive Producer: William C. Brennan; Program Executive: J. Clifford Curley
2 Copies