Nature World of Captain Bob, The - The Frog #11

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November 16 1974
Captain Bob CB11 The Frog No. 11 Rec. 8/17/85
The Capt. Bob Show: The Frog; He details what the show will tell about the frog and what will be needed for drawing; black screen breaks with count downs; a drawing of the seymouria is an early version of a frog and Capt. Bob talks about the early history of frog development; Capt. Bob demonstrates how to draw a frog; the Leopard frog and the Pickerel frog are particular kinds of subjects for observation, as are spring peepers; Capt. Bob talks about the lifecycle of the green frog from eggs to embryo to larvae to tadpole to a young adult to full grown adult; Capt. Bob now begins applying color to the drawing he is making of an adult green frog; Capt. Bob talks about toads and the fluid on them; and he talks about bullfrogs;
Credits: Bob Cottle, Dave Gosey;

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