Miller's Court - Man with a Past #85

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Master Miller's Court X3810 Local Master (Past Catches Up) "Man with a Past" No. 85
Miller's Court: Man with a Past; Though for many years a model citizen, must he now pay for crimes long ago committed? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Richard Schultz and Gerald Lefcourt, who present the legal arguments to the jury; black screen breaks; the audience is invited to vote by telephone; the lawyers talk about their beliefs in the arguments; the jurors talk about their observations in this case; 7 jurors vote to free the model citizen from his past crimes, and 5 vote to send him jail; the audience tally is blank;
In the studio Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Bruce Goldman, Emmons S. Levine, B. Geoffrey Lans, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, George Nahas, Mike Fosco, Zip Bradwell, Ed Paolino, Chris O'Hare, Richie O'Neill, Peter Walent, Jim Watson, Marcie Tankersley, Susan Krieger, George Ellard, Doug DeVitt, Rodney Grace, Ellen Boyce, Scott Philbrick, Ted Talanian, Bill Dawson, J.I. Laughinghouse, Adrienne DeMarco, Jim Bolton, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Randall Forsythe, Arnie Cox, Jonathan Cantor, Netta Vercollone, Stephen Minkofsky, Joy McGugan, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera;

2 Copies
