Miller's Court - Forced to Love #15

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Master Miller's Court X2389 1/19 Show 15 "Forced to Love"
Miller's Court: Forced to Love; Can a husband be found guilty of raping his wife? Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, James Shellow and Louis Sabadini, who will argue the points of the case before a jury; black screen breaks; Arthur Miller talks with the attorneys about their strategies; Miller talks with the jurors about their observations during the case presentations; 7 jurors vote the husband guilty of rape and 5 vote not guilty;
In the studio Julie Sattler Rosene, Bill Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Robert Clayman, Emmons, S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Sandy Foreman, Skip Peabody, Bill Frewald, George Manning, Karl Lorencic, Jerry Milot, Leo Demers, Richie O'Neill, Ed Paolino, Peter Walent, Sumner Shain, Geoff Sullivan, George Ellard, Doug DeVitt, Jim Gilbert, Bob King, Scott Philbrick, Howard Rouse, Ted Talanian, Michael Grana, Carol Fatta, Eric Roth, Linda Adler, Rose Mele, Alex Schapira, Alan Ritsko, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Edward Mason, Ursula Drabik, Netta O'Brien, Stephen Minkofsky, North Quincy High School, Claude Pelanne, William C. Brennan, J. Clifford Curley;

2 Copies
