Miller's Court - Tears for a Killer #5
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October 8 1982
Miller's Court X2085
No. 5
Miller's Court: Tears for a Killer; A Vietnam veteran explains what life has been like for him since his return from service; Arthur Miller introduces the medical concept of PTSD and the lawyers, Joe Oteri and Newman Flanagan, who will argue whether the medical condition should except this serviceman from charges against him; black screen breaks; Arthur Miller talks with the lawyers about their strategies, and he talks with the jurors about their observations; 5 jurors vote not guilty because of insanity, 5 vote not guilty and 2 vote guilty;
In the studio Julie Sattler Rosene, Bill Lowell, Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlock, Isaac Laughinghouse, Robert Clayman, Emmons, S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, A. Gallozzi, Al Giglio, Ted Talanian, Carol Fatta Eri Roth, Jerry Milot, Skip Peabody, Richie O'Neill, Ed Paolino, Peter Walent, Roger Macie, Joe Mozdzierz [Mozdiez], Bill Frewalk, Rod Grace, Karl Lorencic, Geoff Sullivan, George Ellard, Doug DeVitt, Marcelle Burrell, Jim Gilbert, Bob King, Howard Rouse, Michael Nurse, Chuck Harris, John M, Nigohsian, & Sons, Pine Manor College, William C. Brennan, J. Clifford Curley;
2 Copies