Miller's Court - Eye on the News
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May 1 1987
Miller's Court X4425 Master
'Eye on the News' Rec: 5/1/87
Miller's Court: Eye on News; the scene opens with a couple in a hotel room burst in on by a police squad and a reporter doing a live standup; the attorneys for the libel case of wrongful identity in the live ride-along-event are Leo Boyle and John Taylor "Ike" Williams; black screen breaks; the attorneys question witnesses before a jury; the viewing audience is invited to vote on the verdict through a call-in number; the attorneys are asked about their strategies, and the jurors are asked about how they thought about the facts in this case; 10 jurors voted in favor of damages being awarded to the wrongly identified man in the crime story and against the report, 2 jurors voted for the reporter.
In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Richard Puttkamer, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Stephen Levin, J.I. Laughinghouse, Bruce Goldman Kif Williams, George Ellard, David Gardiner, Kathy Wilcox, Bill Kinton, Howard Rouse, Wayne C. Smith, Juliet Charney, Chris O'Hare, Ted Phillips, Roger Rice, Geoffrey Sullivan, Dave Teixeira, John Baynard, Ellen Boyce, Jam Hakim, Ted Talanian, Yu-Ling Wang, Mary Beth Delamere, David Siggers, Ed Andre, Jack Barry, Jodi Adelson, Leona McCarthy, James Bodge, Jeremiah Kissel, Netta Vercollone, Stephen Minkofsky, Sheraton, Needham, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera.
2 Copies