Miller's Court - Friend or Fraud #104
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January 30 1987
Miller's Coourt X4417 Friend or Fraud No. 104 Rec: 1/30/87
Miller's Court: Friend or Fraud; the scene opens with a woman entering a family planning center and then a slide show that was anti-abortion she was forced to watch while she waited for her pregnancy results; attorneys representing the arguments for the clinic's free speech will be Janis Berry and Barbara Caulfield; black screen breaks; witnesses are questioned by the attorneys about their experiences at the clinic and thoughts on abortion and truthfulness; viewers are invited to vote for or against the center's right to continue operation; the attorneys are asked about their strategies, and then the jurors are asked about their own thoughts on these particular set of facts; the jury voted 7 against the center and 5 in favor of the center.
In the studio Arthur Miller, Elizabeth Cheng, Bob Comiskey, Curtis Poole, Linda Adler, Karen Loop, Frank Firnschild, John Breen Bruce Goldman, George Ellard, Joe Mozdiez, George Nahas, Michael Fosco, Howard, Rouse, Wayne Smith, Dick Erickson, Bill Frewald, Bob Marsocci, Roger Rice, Geoffrey L. Sullivan, Bob Hakkila, Paul Mayer, Scott Hilbrick, Ted Talanian, Bill Dawson, Mary Beth Delamere, Jennifer Williamson, Ed Andre, JKack Barry, Leona McCarthy, Doreen Disanza, Richard Snee, Jodi Ohnemus, Stephen Minkosfsky, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera;
2 Copies