Miller's Court - Unnerved #63

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December 15 1984
Master Miller's Court X3306 (Brave New World) "unnerved" No. 63 Air. 12-15-84
Millers Court; Unnerved; Brave New World; a lab has lost a chemical waste container; a child plays at the dump while the mother unloads some trash, and discovers the canister; a lab technician takes the canister away; Jose Antonio Lugo and Alice Richmond represent each side of the question of whether a citizen's group has the right to stop research it deems dangerous; jurors listen to the arguments on each side; the lawyers talk about their strategies; jurors air their views; 5 jurors voted for the citizen's group and 7 voted in favor of the lab continuing its work;
In the studio Arthur Miller, Diane Sherlock, William Lowell, Karen Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Stephanie Levin, Al Giglio, Rob Sturgeon, Frank Gallozzi, Chris O'Hare, Joe Mozdiez, Tony Bratton, Karl Lorencic, Wayne Smith, Ed Paolino, Richie O'Neill, Rich Spongberg, Peter Walent, Sumner Shain, David Teixeira, John Boyle, Susan Krieger, Alan Pratt, Bill Hartigan, Ellen Boyce, Scott Philbrick, Ted Talanian, Michael Grana, Alan Ritsko Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Rhonda Berkman, Bob McCaffrey, Norman Goodman, Michael Beatrice, Netta O'Brien, Stephen Minkofsky, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera;

2 Copies
