Miller's Court - The Rest of the Story #58

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October 15 1984
Master Miller's Court X3296 (First Amendment) "The Rest of the Story" No. 58 Rec. 10-15-84
Miller's Court: The Rest of the Story; Attorneys Edward Hammock and Stephen Delinsky represent each side in the question of whether a reporter covering illegal activity is liable for arrest and conviction in that criminal activity; Arthur Miller asks the lawyers about their strategies as each presents his case before a jury, and he asks the jurors what they thought of the arguments' merits; 8 jurors found the reporter guilty, and 4 found him not guilty;
In the studio Diane Sherlock, Bob Comiskey, Karen Colbert, Mary Ellen Hayes, Linda Adler, Bruce Goldman, Stephanie Levin, Emmons S. Levine, Rob Sturgeon, Chris O'Hare ,Joe Mozdiez, Russell Cooper, Karl Lorencic, Rich O'Neill, Ed Paolino, Ray Smith, Jim Watson, Sumner Shain, Geoff Sullivan, Carolyn Stirling, Doug DeVitt, George Ellard, Libe Stril-rever, Howie Rouse, Rob Sturgeon, Ted Talanian, Michael Grana, Jordanan Lee Dichek, Steve Lewis, Cheryl Lynne Radey, Alan Ritsko, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Paul O'Brien, Jerem Goodwin, Bob Owczarek, Netta O'Brien, Stephen Minkofsky, Middlesex School, Eastern Airlines, Joseph W. Heston, Paul LaCamera;

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