Miller's Court - A Business Affair

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March 30 1983
Miller's Court X2403 Master 21; A Business Affair; Rec. Date: 3/30; Prod: Lowell
Miller's Court: A Business Affair; scene opens with a female assistant checking with her boss in his office and his asking about lunch; she sues for discrimination; black screen breaks; Nancy Gertner and Marshall "Pete" Simonds are the attorneys who question the witnesses about their office interactions and attitudes towards one another and work; the attorneys are questioned about their strategies; jurors are questioned about their thoughts about discrimination; the jurors voted 7 to 5 in favor of the plaintiff; the vote was along gender lines.
In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Sandra Forman, Jay Gravina, Frank Gallozzi, Skip Peabody, Wayne Smith, John Mitchell, Karl Lorencic, Jerry Milot, Isiah Bradwell, Dick Erickson, Joe Mozdiez, Ed Paolino, Sumner Shain, Rob Roy, Doug DeVitt, Jeff Brawer, Ed Dadulak, Judi Brisson, Scott Philbrick, Ted Talanian, Glenn Robbins, Carol Fatta, Eric Roth, Alan Ritsko, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Lynn Bowman, Jack Marshall, Netta O'Brien, Stephen Minkofsky, New Scott Company, North Quincy High School, Claude Pelanne, William C. Brennan, J. Clifford Curley.

2 Copies
