Miller's Court - Murder in Replay #19

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February 24 1983
Master Miller's Court X2397 Murder in Replay Rec. 2/24/83
Miller's Court: Murder in Replay; a woman is hypnotized into remembering the man fleeing a murder scene; the question is whether a witness relying on hypnosis is reliable; only a few states allow this sort of testimony as evidence; lawyers Reena Raggi and Garvin Isaacs argue before a live jury whether to believe the testimony; 11 jurors believed the testimony of the witness sufficiently to find the defendant guilty, while only 1 found him not guilty;
In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, William Lowell, Diane Sherlock, Mary Ellen Hayes, Bruce Goldman, Joe Jacob, Emmons S. Levine, Frank Gallozzi, Keith Jardine, Bill Frewald, George Manning, Wayne Smith, Karl Lorencic, Jerry Milot, Isiah Bradwell, Dick Erickson, Joe Mozdiez, Rich O'Neil, Isiah Bradwell, Peter Walent, Ed Paolino, Sumner Shain, Rob Roy, Doug DeVitt, Jeff Brawer, Ed Dadulak, Judi Brisson, Scott Philbrick, Ted Talanian, Glenn Robbins, Carol Fatta, Eric Roth, Alan Ritsko, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, M. Lynda Robinson, Tony Alicata, Tim Wise, Netta O'Brien, Stephen Minkofsky, New Scott Company, North Quincy High School, Claude Pelanne, William C. Brennan, J. Clifford Curley.

2 Copies
