Miller's Court - X-Rated

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October 21 1982
Master Miller's Court X2084 X-Rated Rec. 10/21/82
[Viewer alert: explicit language is used to describe sexual acts] Miller's Court: X-Rated; the producer of explicit pornographic films is arrested for the materials she creates and sells; Arthur Miller introduces the lawyers, Alan Derschowitz and Timothy O'Neill, who will be presenting the arguments on each side of the free expression issues discussed before a jury; Miller asks the lawyers about their strategies; Miller asks the jurors what they think about the place of expression in the community; 7 jurors voted not guilty, 5 guilty;
In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosene, Bill Lowell, Sandy Devincentis, Diane Sherlock, Isaac Laughinghouse, Joe Jacobs, Emmons S. Levine, Al Giglio, Eric Roth, Jerry Milot, Frank Gallozzi, Jay Gravina, Ron Pearl, Leo Demers, Keith Jardine, Bill Frewald, Rod Grace, Karl Lorencic, Geoff Sullivan, Dick Erickson, Rich O'Neill, Ed Paolino, Roger Rice, Peter Walent, Joe Mozdiez, Skip Peabody, Sumner Shain, Ted Talanian, George Ellard, Doug DeVitt, Linda Adler, Michael Nurse, Alan Ritsko, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Kirsten Giroux, John M. Nigohsian & Son, Pine Manor College, Bruce Marson, Steve Schlow, William C. Brennan, J. Clifford Curley.

2 Copies
