Miller's Court - Prison Generals

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April 30 1982
Master Miller's Court X1550 Prison Generics Rec. 4/30/82
Miller's Court: At Norfolk Prison; a voice-over about the population of Norfolk prison accompanies a video of the grounds; this episode is filmed in the prison with the population of the prison discussing their experience of the system; the inmates discuss the challenges of plea bargaining, and the purpose of prison terms; the usefulness of the death penalty is discussed;
In the studio Arthur Miller, Julie Sattler Rosen, Richard Puttkamer, Kate Hokanson, Frank Firnschild, Brian Koukoutchos, Al Giglio, Debra Galbau, Jerry Milot, Skip Peabody, Richie O'Neill, Ed Paolino, Zip Bradwell, Leo Demers, Joe Mozdzierz [Mozdiez], Jim Reidy, Sumner Shain, Ed Andre, Jim Gilbert, Claude Pelanne, J. Clifford Curley, Terrance Holbrook, Jim Krantz, George DuFresne, Ernie Martin;

2 Copies
