Jabberwocky - Choosing Friends J108

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January 27 1973
Jabberwocky J108 "Choosing Friends"
Jabberwocky; Choosing Friends; theme song and visuals; Dirty Frank and someone who Frank doesn't remember tries to recall they were friends; Francisco Balsalmi, a soldier of fortune, claims he wishes he could trade places with Dirty Frank before he goes to search for treasure; black screen breaks; Tucker is introduced to Francisco, and tells him about how to write a script, and about the novel he is writing; JoBeth is introduced to Francisco who lauds her beauty and asks to see her camera work; the film is screened; it is of surfers; Mr. B is introduced to Francisco and he talks about the value of inventions; everyone decides to have a party for Francisco; Francisco tells Dirty Frank that this party is the best time he has had for a long time, and he wonders if Frank would like to join him on his next adventure; this offer is a secret and he says they need to collect a few pieces of equipment before they go; they are partners; they meet in Mr. B's shop to collect the equipment; Frank becomes suspicious of Francisco's motives and tells him to leave the shop; Frank tries to explain to everyone what happened; all of them understand how easy it is to get fooled when making new friends;
In the studio JoBeth Williams, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, Paul Jones, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Joseph A. Bailey, Jill Katz, Shelagh Gordon, Bob Tingle David Lawless, Carol Reichenbach, Jerome Kagan, Lonny Carton, Tom Jurkoski, David Lucas, David Lucas, Howie Rouse, Leon Goldman, Peter Sinatra, Ted Talanian, Lorraine Forte, Brian Pellicano, Keith Jardine, Mike Barbarita, Pete Walent, George Nahas, Frank Quinn, Ron Schindler, Curt Reichenbach, Al King, Ed Paolino, David Buhl, Roger Rice, Cal Hoyle, Mary Newsham, Mat Rovner, Gregg Kidd, Alex Frisbie, Jim Lowell, George Ellard, Bill McArthur, Geoff Sullivan Len Pray, Paul Clark. Rob Roy, Scott Obreza;

2 Copies
