Jabberwocky - Wishing J96

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circa 1973
Jabberwocky: Wishing; Frank holds a banana peel and talks about its enchantment; opening theme song and visuals; Tucker, Jobeth and Frank talk about wishes, and how to make them come true; black screen breaks; "The Clod Squad" is a TV script where Frank is a detective, written by Tucker and produced by Jabberwocky; Frank is left holding a bomb; he decides he doesn't want to be a detective; he still wants to be tall enough to play basketball and visits Mr. Buchanan to see if there is a way to make that possible; Mr. B says maybe waiting to see if Frank grows some more is the best strategy; Chet Curtis visits with Frank to talk about being a newsman; they do a joint news broadcast, with Chet providing substantial guidance; the Golden Lozenge is awarded to Chet Curtis by the Jabberwocky Broadcasters;
In the studio Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, Jobeth Williams, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Shelagh Gordon, Joyce Smith, Bob Tingle Dave Lawless, Carol Riechenback Jill Katz, Jerome Kagan, Lonnie Carton, Tom Jurkowski, David Lucas, Howie Rouse Leon Goldman, Peter Sinatra, Ted Talanian, Dan Weber, Lorraine Forte, Darnella David, Keith Jardrine, Mike Barbarita, Pete Walent, Ted Perzan, Frank Quinn, Ron Schindler, Curt Reichenbach, Al King, Ed Paolino, David Buhl, Roger Rice, Cal Hoyle, Mary Newsham, Alex Fresbie, Jim Lowell, Geroge Ellard, Bill McArthur, Geoff Sullivan, Leon Pray, Paul Clary, Bob Roy, Scott Obrez;

2 Copies
