Jabberwocky - Owning Things J83

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circa 1973
Jabberwocky: Owning Things; Mr. Buchanan says his workshop needs some brightening up; he decides to put a his long-loved poster of Einstein; Frank opens a new box of crayons and sees the poster of Einstein and decides to color it in; theme song and visuals; Frank thinks Mr. B will be happy with the new look on the poster; Tucker and Jobeth find the new look on the poster is hilarious; Mr B is horrified; Tucker offers to replace it, but Mr B says it wouldn't be the same; Jobeth offers make a milkshake; Frank heard the whole conversation and realizes he made a mistake, and blames the crayons at first, but then realizes he needs to fix it; black screen breaks; he decides to buy a better poster; it is a black light poster that cost an entire month's pay; Frank confesses but does not actually apologize or understand; Mr. B tries to explain that the poster meant a lot to him, not because of its cost but had other values; a mime video explains about valuing property for reasons other than monetary cost; Frank gave away most of his crayons in penance, and in the surprise box placed a new portrait of Einstein for Mr. B to hang in his workshop.
In the studio Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky, Tucker Smallwood, Jobeth Williams; Executive Producer: Gail Frank; Producer Director: Dan Kolsrud; Writer: Peter Johnson; Assistant Directors: Bob Tingle, Dave Lawless, Carol Reichenbach; Production Assistant: Jill Katz, Nancy Balzer; Consultant: Jerome Kagan, PH.D., Harvard Social Relations; Educational Consultant: Lonnie Carton, PH.D. Tufts University Department of Education;

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