Jabberwocky - Handicaps #J64

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circa 1973
Jabberwocky J64 "Handicaps"
Viewer warning: some offensive language and stereotypes; Jabberwocky: Handicaps; Frank is frustrated by his inability to reach the shelves of the cabinet above him; Carl does the task for him and points out the difference in their heights; theme song and visuals; Frank decides to do stretching exercises so that he can grow taller; Mr. Buchanan explains that Frank is just going to be short, and he is well-suited for putting the cans on the shelf under the table; Mr. B tells a story about the Homer poems and other famous artists who created works while blind, deaf, or suffering from disabilities; black screen breaks; student-visitors from Camp Arrowhead to the set explain their disabilities; the visitors demonstrate a floor pole dance that relies on rhythm and visual coordination and vibrations from the poles banging against one another; the cast is not nearly as successful as the the student-visitors; the surprise box opens opens with Mr. B, Trina, and Carl coming out and explaining to Frank that they are not "normal" without glasses, and the fact that they are left-handed; Frank decides that maybe no one normal;
In the studio Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopka, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky Fred Schilpp, Gail Frank, Dan Kolsrud, Shelagh, Gordon, Alex Frisbie, Jill Katz, Josie McGuire, Jerome Kagan, Tom Jurkowski, David Lucas, Adam A Villone; special thanks to Ron Depsouski;

2 Copies
