Jabberwocky - Things You Wear #J3
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March 18 1972
Jabberwocky; Things You Wear; #3; Rec. date 10-15-79; J-103 3-18/72
Jabberwocky: Things You Wear; still photographs of a child getting dressed; theme song; Frank and Trina talk about how clothing affects the way people perceive each other; a video describes the differences in clothing in different lands and the purposes those items might have; Carl and a stranger talk about his outfit to make him acceptable to attend a rock concert; the emperor's new clothes story is told in Claymation; the Surprise Box offers a range of costumed children;
Credits: Cast: Carl Thoma, Joanne Sopko, Peter Johnson, Bob Prosky; Executive Producer: Fred Schilpp; Producer: Gail Frank; Director: Dave Gosey; Associate Producers: Carol Lawrence, Michelle Conners; Special Thanks To: The Proposition directed by Allan Albert [address]; Consultants: Jerome Kagan, Ph.D., Marshall Haith, Ph.D. Harvard Social Relations; Writers: Dewey Bergman, Jr., Adam Villone, Fred Schilpp
2 Copies