Good Day - #4399; Dr. Phil Hyden; Susan Wornick; Bruce Elkin

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June 18 1991
Master Good Day X2592 Tuesday June 18, 1991 No. 4399 Rec. 6/18/91 Air. 6/19/91
#4399; Dr. Phil Hyden; Susan Wornick; Bruce Elkin; Good Day; Eileen Prose talks with a Bunny Couch who won, with her husband, more than $1.2 million in Las Vegas, and what their lives are like now; Munchausen by proxy is described and discussed by Dr. Phil Hyden and Will Coleman who represented Sheila Williams, a sufferer of the syndrome; black screen breaks; Bruce Elkin demonstrates making a healthier cookie; Susan Wornick talks about summer activities' hazards and how to avoid them using things like helmets, sunglasses, sunscreen and ways to shop for them; Ted Reinstein learns about rollerblading from those who are professionals;

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