Good Day - #4316; Adrienne Epstein; Dr. Kenneth Good; Yarima Good; Frank Avruch; Dr. Keith Ablow;

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February 20 1991
Master Good Day X3026 Feb. 20, 1991 No. 4316 Air. 2-20-91
#4316; Adrienne Epstein; Dr. Kenneth Good; Yarima Good; Frank Avruch; Dr. Keith Ablow; Good Day; Eileen Prose hosts; audio during black screen break; women who need to break a toxic friendship talk about their experiences; Keith Ablow discusses the friendship relationship and provides some advice about severing the relationship; callers comment and ask questions; black screen breaks; Adrienne Epstein demonstrates how to make jewelry from glass fragments; Kenneth Good talks about meeting his future wife while he was doing anthropological research in her village; he talks about his book, Into the Heart; Ted Reinstein visits an exhibit in Lexington of confectioners' art; Frank Avruch talks about upcoming cultural events;

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