Good Day - #4263; Susan Wornick; Kathy Larcomb; Paul Driscoll; Mike McGrath

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November 20 1990
Master Good Day X2967 Friday Nov. 23, 1990 No. 4263 Rec. 11/20/90 Air. 11/23/90
#4263; Susan Wornick; Kathy Larcomb; Paul Driscoll; Mike McGrath; Good Day; Susan Wornick, Eileen Prose and Reunions; they reminisce about the experience of reunions; Sandra Montgomery Dell visits the set as a life-long friend of Eileen Prose from the Miss America contest in 1965; Kathy Larcomb, mother, and daughter are reunited after an eight-year absence; black screen breaks; Paul Driscoll has 14 half-siblings that he discovered late in life, and he has yet to meet the last of these sibling strangers; Susan Darke talks in the studio about her adoption and the person-location service she now provides; callers talk about their experiences;

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