Good Day - #4076; Dr. Marilyn Griffin; Bob Rose; Lloyd Trenchard; Tony Lazzertti; Malcolm Flynn; Charles Pierce;

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February 1 1990
Master Good Day X130 Thursday Feb. 1 1990 No. 4076 Rec. 2/1/90 Air. 2/2/90
#4076; Dr. Marilyn Griffin; Bob Rose; Lloyd Trenchard; Tony Lazzertti; Malcolm Flynn; Charles Pierce; Slate: ‘Good Day! 2/1/90 Thursday VTR: X-0130 Show: 4076’. Title: ‘Good Day!’ Eileen Prose hosts. Eileen interviews Lloyd Trenchard, Bob Rose, and Barry Lee about their interactions with alleged robbers Edward Aranjo and Ellen Marks. Eileen discusses head injuries and comas. She talks with recovering coma patient Tony Lazzaretti and his father, and with Charles Pierce, whose son was in a coma. Eileen talks with Helen Cooper about facials. She gives WCVB employee Mimi Wishner a facial. In studio discussion with teacher Malcolm Flynn about getting fathers involved in their children’s education. Interview with Dr. Marilyn Griffin about health issues, including caesarian sections, florid in water, and breast cancer. Gus Saunders visits the Commonwealth Grill in Boston with Chef Chandler.

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