Good Day - #2988;

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May 15 1985
Master Good Day X3096 Wednesday May 15, 1985 No. 2988 Rec. 5/15/85 Air. 5/16/85
#2988; Good Day; Eileen Prose and Tom Cottle introduce a rebroadcast of their show with Phil Donahue is a guest on the set; Janet Langhart is on the recording briefly; Eileen Prose provides a summary of the behind-the-scenes preparation for the show; black screen breaks; Donahue talks about the television business, his show, and himself as an M.C.; audience members, and viewers call in, to ask questions; there are some interviews from the street about whether Phil Donahue is liked; Marlo Thomas provides a remote interview;
In the studio Peggy Allen, William Lowell, Debbi Dunn Solomon, Leslie Moraes, Deborah Cohen, Crystal Johns, Joanne Tardieu, Tom Yaroschuk, Curtis Poole, Joshua Tane, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Bruce Goldman, Jam Hakim, Emmons. S. Levine, Bayard Peabody, Jr., Jim Barker, Alan Pratt, Leo Demers, Bud Tremblay, Susan Krieger, Marcia Tankersley, Geoff Sullivan, Zip Bradwell, Bill Frewald, Kathy McKenna, Bob Marsocci, Richie O'Neill, Wayne Smith, Jeff Boortz, Mike Field, Ted Talanian, Bob Copeland, Joy McGugan, Joseph Heston, Paul LaCamera;

2 Copies
