Discover New England - August '94 Edition

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August 8 1994
Discover N.E. August 1994 Edition; rec date: 8-8-94; Aire date: 8-21-94; X6320; WCVB code 38
Commercials included; Maine's lobsters all along the coast are visited; Revere Beach, near Boston, is given an historical overview; and the yesteryears of Belgrade Lakes and hunting camps in western in Maine are visited.
Credits: Reporters: Peter Mehegan, Mike Barnicle; Producer: Ted Reinstein; Field Producers: Stan Leven, Stacy Lundin, Peter Mehegan, Ted Reinstein, David Skillicorn; Videography: Zip Bradwell, Art Donahue, Judy Guild, Bob Oliver, Ken Sullivan; Sound: Jim Fripp, Bob Hakkila, Videotape Editors: Mary Driscoll, David Eells, Karen Lippert, Leroy McLaurin, Joe Mozdiez, Curt Reichenbach, Craig Pizzo, Brian Menz, Karen Lippert; Post Production: David Eells; Graphics: Adrienne Epstein, Christine Finn, Tom Neilsen; Electronic Graphics: John Boyle; Production Coordinators: Jack Barry, Gerri Powers; Special Thanks: Chris Stirling, Susan Sloane, George Gardner; Executive Producer N.E. Program Network: Mark Mills; Program Executive: Paul LaCamera

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