Calendar - Foster Grandparents; Tip O'Neil; July

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July 1981
X-763 Series Title: Calendar Program Title: July Master 1. Tip O'Neil Foster Grandparents
2716.0143 Calendar; July; Foster Grandparents, and Tip O'Neill; viewer alert: children in some distress; Jack Hines interviews Tip O'Neill about his personal life as well as national issues; he talks extensively about President Reagan, his hopes for the nation, and how he would like to be remembered; black screen breaks with color bars; Chet Curtis reports on two families just a block apart; the Paul Winter Consort is noted by Mary Richardson; Josephine Menghi is featured in a report by Mary Richardson on the federal Foster Grandparent program; Edith Stein is interviewed about the program; visits to healthcare institutions and a daycare center are part of the report; a speech by Nancy Reagan is part of the report; eight minutes of black screen;

2 Copies
