Aqui - Leukemia Victim #150
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March 29 1993
X3372 Aqui Leukemia Victim No. 150
Rec: 3/29/93 Air: 4/4/93
Leukemia Victim #150; bone marrow and its use in fighting cancer is described; Vincent Ruiz is the example patient family that discusses how this practice is working and how the community around him is helping; Lowell baseball, and teachers union has also joined in supporting the family; black screen breaks with count down; The Computer Museum's "science bridge" program is part of an effort to reach out to young people who are interested in the sciences; Sylvia Saavedra [cq] Keber is interviewed about services to support recent immigrants who have limited language facilities and are experiencing difficulty with job placements;
Mayra Rodriguez, John R. Green, Donna Hennessey, Laura Brown, Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell, Bayard W. Peabody, Jr., Ted Phillips, Jerry Milot, Joe Soucar, Al Giglio, Scott Philbrick, Ken Sullivan, Dave Teixeira, Ron Sapp, Kevin Yarr, Mary Newsham, Laura Eastment, J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Yarice Hidalgo,Karl Nurse, Paul LaCamera;
2 Copies