[Vaughan--home movies] Reel 31
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S. V. Trains XV May 4, 1963 - Dec. 23, 1963
Trains XV 1. / Sat. May 4, 1963 - Mon Dec. 23, 1963 / Sat. May 4, 1963: R.R. Enthusiasts Trip arranged by S. V. "Providence - Southbridge Special" with Hank and Wally Wolcott of So.Sta. Ticket Office. / 7 cars: 6 coaches + 1 baggage car with 444 persons. / Lv. Boston : 9.07 p.m. D.S.T. Ar. Boston 8:52 p.m. D.S.T. 52 minutes late. / Max 85° at Boston. Max 80° at Worcester. / Readville shops to Blackstone to Prov. to Plainfield, to Putnam, R.R. Backhouse at Valley Falls, lunch at church, Putnam. / Putnam to Southbridge, Mass., Wally + Hank watching Freight N-I 125 cars - at Webster en route fr. so. Worcester (fr. Maine) to Cedar Hill, New Haven. / Fri. Aug. 30 '63: On train leaving Stemtown (No. Walpole, N.H.) to tret. (on old line to Keene), Locos at Steamtown, R.R. bridge to Bellows Falls, Vt.
Trains XV 2. / Wed. Oct. 23, 1963: At so. Main St. Bridge, Sharon: assisting TV crew making movies for NH TV commercials, movies of Nos. 9, 6, +- 13, also a freight - E bound - with many "Piggy Back" cars. / Mon. Dec. 23, 1963: Freight wreck just E. of Westerly, R.I. taken fr. "The Colonial" by Joany, en route to Pottstown with the kids.
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