[North Star Camp/Gillingham Family] Reel 7

This item is available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film
1936 – 1941
North Star Camp scenes. Dark. Boys piled in back of North Star Camp truck with one young man sawing something off the back of the truck. More dark footage, cannot make out what is happening. Waterfall, young man with waterfall. Packing the North Star Camp truck with boys gathered around. Boys and men gathered on rocks. Shot of boys and men raising the side of a wooden structure. Painting a canoe. Putting a large dock into the water. Staff groups pose for the camera. Campers join for group poses. Counselor and campers pose with North Star banner. Shot of water. Small boy next to a very tall young man.

2 Copies

1) 1711.0007_F16
16mm film; [100 ft.]; Silent; Color;
2) 1711.0006-.0011_VHS
VHS; Silent;