[Johnson Family Chronicles--home movies] Reel 9
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May 1974 - A visit from the Schulz family (with dog) -- all the kids out front and out back. ***** July 1974 - Our visit with the George P. John-sons at a "borrowed" house in Margate; then our kids out front on bicycles and in the car. ***** August 1974 - Our 2nd annual vacation in Vermont, this time at Hungry Hollow Farm outside Montpel-ier; then a day-trip to Stowe with the Mike Boy-le family, including a visit to the Trapp Family Lodge; then an end-of-day view of Lake Mansfield. ***** Vermont continued, this time with a picnic on the Connecticut River on the day of our visit to the maple syrup factory in St. Johnsbury. ***** Vermont continued, this time with a day of fishing at the nearby recreational area, featur-ing Kevin and Patrick and their catches; then a view of Hungry Hollow at sunset. ***** Vermont continued, this time with a day of swimming and picnicking at a nearby state park. ***** Vermont conclu-ded with the Boyles' departure and a distant view of Caspian Lake; then back in New Jersey and some pike fishing at the sand plant; then school begins for Dandy (kindergarten) and con-tinues for Kevin (second grade).
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