[Cameron Bradley--home movies] Reel F

Alaska, United States
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Amateur footage. Family's viewing notes as follows (reel titles in quotes are based on can/box notes, reel letters are NHF-assigned.) F. 'Alaska #1 1936.' Scenes of Ketchikan, Alaska. Scenes of a family trip to Alaska that Helen S Bradley, Cameron's mother, took Cameron and friends from College on during July of 1936. Where they traveled on the inland waterway aboard a charter boat, the Westward. Scenes of a fishing boat hauling in a net ofsalmon catch by hand. Scenes of fish in nets in the water. More fish scenes. The catch laid out on the boat's deck and a halibut caught. Scenes of a bear in trees. Scenes of the Westward's crew. Scenes of a salmon stream with a bear on the shore. Fishing. Scenes of salmon fishing boats. Alaskan scenery. Scenes of family friends aboard the Westward. THe woman is Cameron's mother. NHF cataloguing notes for Reel F: Pan seaport. CU ship with layers of houses in villages behind. Ketikan cold storage. Steamer. With dark mountains behind. CU young men with numbers pinned to chest. Take off hats and bow. Mountains. Group men. CU woman cutting man's hair. Both laugh. Fishing vessel. Surrounded by bouys. Men traveling in nets as boat backs up. Excellent shot. Fishing vessel framed by black mountains and white sky. CU salmon in nets splashing a churning waters. Scooped into smaller net and taken on deck. CU men with pipe and fishing poles on deck. Sitting. Waiting. CU men in raingear. CU man hauling in net. Laid out in a row. Fish of many patterns. Single tuna fish in silhouettes. Rows of men fishing with poles off deck. (32:18). Rapids. Pan left to right group sitting. Watching. Mountains from lake. Fishing vessels. Port. Huge pine trees in distance. Crabs on deck. Mountain range with reflection in still water. CU man reading in hold of ship. Soft light. Women knitting. Men reading map. Smoking pipe. People curled on couch on deck. Sleeping covered by blankets. Now having kicking fight. Man looking at pack of cards. Sitting on deck. Realizes he's being filmed. Begins to laugh.

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