[Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 56
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1946 – 1948
NHF Cataloguer's notes for reel 56:17::51. Group seated on seashore. People clad for swimming. Man walks down beach. Woman in wood. Man carries two sport coats which are on hangers. (This reel is in color.) Man standing at foot of steps. He wears sailor hat. 18:08. Pickup truck in motion. Two women sit in bed. One waves. Truck motors across wooden bridge. As truck backs up, woman smiles, looks behind her. Man opens truck door for woman who emerges carrying packages. Sailboat traversing surface of lake. Shoreline trees in background. Woman with packages in arms walks down gangway. Another woman follows carrying pillows, bedding material. 19:01. Men in sailboat as it skims on lake surface. Man waves from boat. Man, woman walk up gangway. Two men embark in sailboat. Boy on landing grasps front sail. Men walk down gangway. Buildings on shoreline. Sailboat. Three young men in twenties. Two women on landing. Man in boat. Pov. ride over surface of lake. 20:01. We move to right. Trees along shoreline. Exterior of home. Cars parked in yard. Woman smiles while standing on water end of gangway. Man, carrying small barrel, walks down gangway. Man, woman smile. Family group gathered in yard near parked car. Waving, handshaking. Georgian, colonial-looking building with fanlight windows and modern, sectioned windows which thrust out from building. Right-tracking pan. of this long, dignified building. Trees, foliage. 21:02. Flowers blooming on trees. Ladies standing near car. Woman jestingly covers face with item of clothing she is carrying. Casually dressed, the women walk forward. Group of women, dressed for swimming. One opens her mouth wide. One makes a face, fluttering hands at camera. Two men walk forward. They're clad for swimming. Man and boy in wading. CU man, smiling, talking. He sticks his tongue out! Ladies lying on individual blankets. Series of CUs of young men. Some clown for camera. Young man strikes physique pose. Flexes biceps. Ladies lying on blankets. 22:03. Woman sawing branch from downed tree. She goes to work on lower branch. Persevering, she brushes her bangs from her eyes. Task nearly completed, she smiles. She strikes proud pose and goes at her task with renewed vigor. Man drives coup'e car into yard. 23:00. He dismounts. Two women emerge from garage. They are followed by two men. All formally dressed. Shot of two couples side by side. Shadowy shot. Man carries a basket. Man at trunk of car. Number plate says: 'JU 12E. N.J. 1947.' 24:03. Man leans over. Man emerges from home. He carries paper-sheathed clothes over hanger. He opens door of car and puts clothes in. He waves. He removes sport's coat from car and dons it. Shot of car backing out. Number plate has been changed. Man drives away. Woman walks on lawn. Flowering shrub, trellis adjacent to building. She turns and smiles. She walks forward. She wears corsage. 25:01. Woman wearing overcoat. Large, cravat-like ribbon at top of coat. Shot of her black high-heel shoes, conservative, open-toed. Another woman in fashion pose. Her shoes have laces ending in a bow. She walks forward. This is a cinematic fashion show. Bare trees. We are in town or city. Sign states: 'New Worden Hotel & Grill.' Man, carrying newspaper and woman emerge from hotel. They walk forward. Slightly older couple walking on sidewalk. Woman wears fox stole, glasses. Ladies, in various positions gathered by open car door. Woman, man adjacent to hotel balustrade. Woman spreads her arms, smiles. She shakes hands with woman who approaches from left. 26:02. Shot of the three, standing side by side. Woman in center does a little dance. View of sport's field, protective fencing at side. Man at side of field. Pan. of long building adjacent to field. Auditorium. Woman, man outside of building. Object at side of building looks to be either small stove or safe. May be a grill. Slice of meat appears to be at top. Man touches meat with fork. He turns meat over. He leans down. Woman rubs her abdomen in anticipation of tasty meal. Couple descend concrete steps leading to street where car is parked. 27:01. Man opens door for woman. Car, parked near tree, is driven away. C. U. couple, formally clad. They greet elderly woman. Two women talk. Group of men. Same gathering. Woman curtseys for camera. 28:03. Bride and groom emerge from building. Bride lifts her train. Arm in arm, couple follows bride and groom. Bride and groom. Couple, the feminine half of which has bouquet. Man places large ribbon around head of woman with bouquet. Bride and groom kiss. Bride and groom enter back seat of car. They emerge from back seat, groom assisting bride therefrom. 29:03. Various people entering cars. Rice is being thrown. Men fool with groom. Little girl emerges from home. Carrying twisted balloons in each hand, she descends steps. Man, children standing near car. Man crouched down by tree. Little girl, with her balloons is by his side. She walks forward. One of the balloons escapes her and blows down the lawn. She pursues balloon, but gives up and runs off. Orange balloon on lawn. Man secures it for her and gives it to her. He walks along, waving his hands. Woman, man, little girl. She has long green balloon. All three sit on step. 30:00. Couple, two women in doorway of building. Woman waves. Bald-headed man joins group. Woman arrives. Woman, in black dress stands before garage door. She has purse, corsage. She yawns. Raises white-gloved hand to mouth. Woman standing by pointed-leafed foliage near garage door. She adjusts her purse. She wears short coat with a corsage. Woman, wears pearls, black dress. She turns corsage side of dress proudly toward camera. 31:00. Woman examines side of car with hand. She rubs car as if it needs polishing. Car being backed out of garage. It turns. Driver waves from car. Hand only visible. Car drives off. Young man emerging from car. He drapes coat over open window. Woman in back seat of car. Holding coat, man smiles. He shakes hands with older, bald man. Cars going down street. Man, appearing to be hitchhiker stands at side of road. His thumb is raised, suitcase at his side. Truck backs up. Pov. car ride. We are looking through windshield. 32:08. Sun shield is raised. We are approaching long bridge. We see trees, boats moored on surface of river. Woman, wearing kerchief, carrying packages nears grove of trees. Bald-headed man removes spare tire from trunk of car. He removes chest. Woman emerges from home. She takes opposite end of chest that man has removed. Together, they lift chest into home. Two women standing before home. Younger woman wears revealing black dress. 33:01. Seashore. Water surface. Boats of various kinds moored in water. People walking on beach. Woman walks up beach. She walks beside of older man. Woman with infant in arms. Infant wears sunbonnet. Woman in pink dress joins the two. 34:01. Other woman hands infant to pink-clad woman. Woman sets infant down on beach blanket. Woman straightens blanket. Infant looks around. Building with upper windows with awnings. Couple emerge from lower part of building. Woman shakes hand of woman at foot of steps. Car going down street. Red truck follows behind. Two men walking up path in woods. Two women on path. One removes her glasses. Group people gathered on wharf near boat. Some people are in boat. Boat careening into shore. It is a small passenger boat. It is motorboat with American flag attached to stern. Man crawls out onto wharf. Woman still in boat. 35:07. Various people on wharf. Water surface. Young woman in boat helps slightly older woman in. (End of Reel 56.)
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