Summer 1964 [William A. Haviland Deer Isle Films] Reel 2
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Summer 1964
Reel 2
In and around Hashell House
WAH on porch playing accordion (Neville Hardy's car outside)
Tom on porch : Walks
Tom + Sally on porch
WAH + Tom in Dining rooms with mirrors
Tom out back with daisy
Tom out back with dandelions
On beach
Tom [?]
P[?] at edge of water
Tom + Melinda
Tom in playpen with Anita
Blueberries behind Hashell house
Tom picks berries
Doc Hardy r[?]
Neville Hardy passed out
Tom and Neville
Horseplay out back of Hashell house
Neville, Phil B[?] + Denny [Pulestor?] with siwng
Neville in [?]
Phil on swing, Anita watches
Denny on swing, Anitea watches
Neville on swing, Denny pushes (Pam + Tom on little swing in background)
Pam + Tom swing
Neville on swing
Neville + Phil on swing, Anita pushes
WAH + Tom on little swing
Tom walks away
Anita + Tom in grass
Stove Island
Sally + P[?] Clayton + Denny shooting out over reach (from "Garbage beach")
Boats in reach
Sal, Pers + Denny reload
More boats
Goat + WAH on sh[?]
Persis, sally
Denny, goat + WAH
Goat, Sally, Anita, Persis
Tom's Birthday Party (behind Hashell house)
T.P.H + Theodora Haviland
Freddy + Grace de Log[?]
Dion, Lori, Connie, Debbra + Jenny [Gorstel?]
Mildred Hashell
Nautical sequence
Tom at [?] of c[?]
Anita on bow d[?] with Pam
T.P.H., Theodora, Melinda, Tom
Anita with Tom
Going ashore on Eaton's Il (Denny standing in bow)
WAH on beach
Butter Il-
S beach
S beach, Eagle Il in background
View E toward H east Il
SE beach looking N; sally runs
Tom on beach eating
SE beach from hill
SE point form hill, Eagle Il. in background
W.A.H. climbing up hill
Tom in playpen on Eaton's Il
Melinda and rowboat on Eaton's
Anita and fishhawk rest on Eatons
Denny + Mary by [?] (Little Eaton in background)
Little Eaton
Gulls in tree on Western Il
Gulls on ledge, Pond Il in background (from western)
Gulls in tree - Western Il.
Anita, Tom and Jeff B[?] near B[?], South Beach
Neville passed out on Me[?] Island
3 Copies