[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 26
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circa 1926
Title: ‘FAMILIAR FACES. WISH ALL GIRLS HAD FACED THE CAMERA.’ Shots of various girls (campers). Campers walking through the woods. Two girls hold up a doll. A man in a chef’s uniform. Campers looking at Lady Slipper flowers. Close up of Lady Slippers. A girl playing the banjo. Two girls. A man working on a canoe. Shots of a tent with cots and a table. Shots of various women (counselors?). A man and a woman sitting together. A man and a woman in aviator goggles pose in front of an airplane. Close up of a man with glasses. Campers eating by the water. Intertitle: ‘SOME GIRLS LOVE TO FISH, SPECIALLY ONE’. A camper fishing. Intertitle: ‘LEAVING SIVAD’. A line of girls exiting a cabin. Girls hiding behind a tree. Campers walking through the woods. Intertitle: ‘CROOKED RIVER TRIP’. A line of canoes. A derelict boat covered in graffiti. Campers canoeing. Setting up camp. Wading through the water. Carrying buckets of water and gear. Serving food. Canoeing. Intertitle: ‘BLUEBERRIES ON DOUGLAS HILL. DR. BLACKMAN SAYS CAMPERS MAY EAT ALL THEY WANT. AND THE VIEW !!!’ Campers carrying gear. View from Douglas Hill. Campers eating. Intertitle: ‘A GLORIOUS DAY AT THE OCEAN’. Campers playing in the surf. Intertitle: ‘WILL YOU EVER FORGET THE MOONLIGHT TOWS?’ A motorboat towing a line of canoes. Intertitle: ‘SUCH FUN AT THE BARN DANCE. IT WAS SPOOKY – ONE BEING THERE’. Campers in hats and overalls perform a dance routine. A man in a chef’s uniform. Intertitle: ‘THIS ANIMAL WAS FOUND IN OUR WOODS, BUT IT WONT HURT YOU’. An oddly shaped piece of wood. [?] Intertitle: ‘AN EPISODE OF THE LAST COUNCIL FIRE’. Campers performing. Intertitle: ‘PART OF THE CRAFT EXHIBIT’. Decorated paddles. Blankets draped over the railing of a cabin. Clay pots. Intertitle: ‘A GLIMPSE OF TIMANOUS BOAT CAMP’. A group of boys on the deck of a boat. A boy in a sailboat. Boys in a rowboat. Intertitle: ‘BANQUET NIGHT’. Long table laid out outdoors. Campers eating. Intertitle: ‘GOOD BYE CAMPS’. A steam boat. [End of Reel]
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