[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 12

![Sebago Lake, Maine [43.85,-70.566667]](marker-icon.png)
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This film of 1928 #1 #2 were shown by Halsey Gulick in September 1977 and were in very good shape.
Title: ‘SEBAGO WOHELO DURING THE SUMER OF 1928’, ‘THE FOLLOWING PICTURES AT BEST, CAN ONLY SHOW A PHYSICAL SIDE OF THE LIFE WHICH AT WOHELO IS A SMALL PART’. Intertitle: ‘YOU WILL HAVE TO VISIT WOHELO TO ABSORB THE IDEALS AND TRADITIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN GROWING OVER A PERIOD OF TWENTY YEARS.’ Intertitle: ‘WATER SPORTS DAY’. Campers having a swimming relay race. A synchronized swimming routine. Diving. A man with a notebook. Diving. View of the lake, filmed from a boat. Campers in a line of canoes. A girl wake boarding (aquaplaning) behind a motorboat. Handstand on a wakeboard. Wakeboarders performing stunts. Two people paddling a canvas covered boat. A sailboat. A rowboat draped to look like a dragon. (horse?) People in costume in decorated boats. A woman with a parasol bails out a rowboat. A rowboat race. Campers canoeing, paddling together. Campers in sailboat righting a capsized canoe. Raising a sailboat on a canoe. Campers canoeing, paddling while standing. Intertitle: ‘COOKING SUPPER ON TUESDAY NIGHT’. Campers cooking over a campfire. Intertitle: ‘RIDING DAY’. Campers riding horses around an outdoor ring. Jumping. Campers riding ponies. Riders wearing costumes. A line of horseback riders. [End of Reel]
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