[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 3
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circa 1925
Helen Curtis Riding
Shinaye - Japan
Mt. Washinton
Emma Schultz - Dance
Water Sports
Close ups of various girls. A girl getting off of a horse. Girls in dresses. Girls picking flowers. A girl picking vegetables. A girl painting a paddle. Intertitle: ‘A FEW DECORATED PADDLES.’ A line of painted paddles. Intertitle: ‘HELEN CURTISS, THE EFFICIENT HORSEBACK INSTRUCTOR.’ A woman, Helen Curtis, poses next to a horse. Intertitle: ‘SHINAYE FROM JAPAN, ONE OF THE BEST HORSE-WOMEN AT CAMP, WHOSE FATHER, WHILE MAYOR OF TOKYO, GAVE THE CHERRY TREES TO WASHINGTON.’ A woman, Shinaye Eugenia Ozaki (daughter of Yukio Ozaki), riding a horse. Campers riding. Intertitle: ‘HORSEBACK RIDING IN THE RING.’ Campers riding around an outdoor ring. Intertitle: ‘THE MORE ADVENTUROUS GIRLS LEARN TO JUMP.’ Jumping horses. Intertitle: ‘SEE THE MUSICAL HORSES PLAYING MUSICAL CHAIRS.’ Campers dismount and re-mount horses rapidly. Riding around the ring. Intertitle: ‘AN EGG RACE.’ Campers riding while carrying eggs on spoons. Intertitle: ‘GYPSY GUEENS START FOR MOUNT WASHINGTON.’ Girls climbing into a van and driving away. Intertitle: ‘THE MORNING DIP IN AN ICY MOUNTAIN STREAM.’ Campers wading in a stream. Intertitle: ‘MOUNT WASHINGTON.’ Shot of Mount Washington, New Hampshire. Campers eating at an outdoor table. Intertitle: ‘ERNA SCHULZ LEADS HER GIRLS IN DANCING GAMES.’ Campers dancing in a field. Intertitle: ‘MARIONETTES. EACH GIRL HAS HER PUPPET WHO PERFORMS FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT OF FRIENDS AND RELATIVES.’ An outdoor puppet show. Intertitle: ‘THESE GIRLS ARE AS GOOD IF NOT BETTER RIDERS THAN THEIR OLDER SISTERS.’ A line of campers riding around an outdoor ring. Three girls pose on a horse. Riding around the ring. Intertitle: ‘THE YOUNGER GIRLS DO SOME FINE JUMPING.’ Jumping horses. Intertitle: ‘SOMETIMES THE HORSE OBJECTS.’ Horse and rider stop in front of the jump. Intertitle: ‘A SURPRISE-- THE HORSE WENT UNDER NOT OVER. A girl riding a pony ducks under the upper rung of a jump. A girl poses with a horse. A girl riding a pony. Shots of various people. A woman walking with a toddler. A girl, a woman and the toddler swimming. The toddler walking. Intertitle: ‘WATER SPORTS DAY AT LITTLE WOHELO.’ Children playing in the water. Campers watching from the shore. Intertitle: ‘SINGING A CAMP SONG.’ Girls singing while sitting on the beach. Campers in rowboats. Cooking over a camp fire. A camp building. [End of Reel]
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