[Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 1

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circa 1920
Crooked River 20s
Title: ‘OFF ON A THREE DAY CANOE TRIP UP CROOKED RIVER’, ‘THE ACKLEYS GETTING READY FOR THE NIGHT.’ People and tents around a campfire. Intertitle: ‘GETTING DRINKING WATER FROM A NEARBY FARM’. Two girls carrying a bucket. Intertitle: ‘IT’S SURPRISING HOW GOOD A SUPPER TASTES WHEN COOKED OVER AN OPEN FIRE’. A group of girls cooking over a campfire. Children eating. Close ups of various campers. Girls washing cups in a lake. Intertitle: ‘DUB IS THE INSPIRATION OF THE TRIP’. Close up of a girl by the campfire. Intertitle: ‘A FEW OF THE SHELTERS WHAT DO WE CARE IF IT RAINS’. A tarp spread over a canoe. Intertitle: ‘WE HAVE TO BE CAREFUL OF OUR APPEARANCES’. A girl fixing her hair. Intertitle: ‘COMING DOWN THE RIVER ON THE WAY HOME’. Campers canoeing. Intertitle: ‘THE MIGIS TAKES THE CANOES IN TOW FOR THE LAST EIGHT MILES’. A motorboat towing a line of canoes. Intertitle: ‘ONLY RAIN PREVENTS US FROM HAVING OUR SUPPERS OUT IN THE OPEN’. Campers eating under the trees by the water. Intertitle: ‘RIDING DAY BRINGS MANY GUESTS AND SOME KEEN COMPETITION BETWEEN THE UNITS’. Campers horseback riding. Intertitle: ‘THERE IS A THRILL IN MASTERING A HORSE’. People watching as campers ride horses through a jumping course. Girls on horseback using a stick to pull a ring from a pole. Intertitle: ‘A POTATO RACE.’ Campers on horseback playing something similar to polo. Campers leading horses. Intertitle: ‘EACH UNIT PUTS ON A STUNT’. Campers riding in costume, performing stunts. Intertitle: ‘THE PROCESSION OF BOATS’. A motorboat pulling a line of canoes, with campers holding up their paddles. Canoes with sails. Intertitle: ‘EVERY MORNING THE FIVE WAR CANOES ARE OUT ON THE LAKE BEFORE BREAKFAST’. Campers canoeing. Intertitle: ‘WHAT COULD BE MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN “SIXTY GIRLS PADDLING AS ONE”---‘, ‘---AGAINST THE SUN GOING DONW BEHIND THE WHITE MOUNTAINS’. Campers canoeing, with the sunset in the background. [End of Reel]

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