N.Y., N.Y.

![New York City, New York [40.7127753,-74.0059728]](marker-icon.png)
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Shots of the street from above. Cars and bicyclists on the street. A dog on the sidewalk. Close ups of car wheels and feet. People on the sidewalk. Children playing. Sped up footage of a woman crossing the street. Buses. Racks of clothing. People on the street. Men working on the sidewalk. People walking. Film cuts back and forth between a family walking together and a man sleeping on the street. A store window display with a mannequin in a bridal gown. Women looking in shop windows. Young men playing stickball. People picketing outside of the Nathan’s Famous in Times Square. Police setting up a barrier. Police standing near the protesters. Close up of a policeman’s holster and gun belt. One protester carries a sign: ‘Nathans is a sweatshop, Fired Nathans Workers’. Shot of a female protester. Shot of a police officer. People with a banner reading ‘NATHANS: GIVE THE 10 WORKERS THEIR JOBS BACK! CENTER FOR UNITED LABOR ACTIONS’. Shot of the protest. Close up of the holster again. A group of Hare Krishnas chanting as people walk past. Shot of trees. Shot of the city from above. People on a crosswalk. Multiple shots in quick succession of the people on the street, the protesters, the Hare Krishnas and the city from above. The Bowery Saving Bank. A boy on a bicycle holds up the peace sign. People on the street. The city skyline. Panning shot down the side of a skyscraper. Quick cuts between earlier scenes. Shot of the skyline, with the Chrysler Building and the Twin Towers visible, probably filmed from the Empire State Building.[End of Reel]
Not Transferred
REEL 8 July
247 p. 50
2 Copies
1) nhf-1000_0008-Uncompressed 10-bit.mov
2) 1000.0008_FS8
Super8 film; [200 ft.]; Silent; Color;