[Marguerite Larock--home movies] Reel 10
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Marcia and Denny, last of April 1951. Tommy our Clerk.
Down back, giving Normie a ride. (almost 5 months old)
Denny’s Car (with Teddy) 2 brothers out for a ride. One looks drunk. What a chew! It’s not a toothache, just fat. He really never looked as queer as this. But it was a wild ride. [Eshelman pedal car]
Marcia & her glasses.
Memorial Day, waiting for the Parade. Lewiston’s Band. Patty is a majorette at right end. Piano Recital dress. Early June – down back in the sun. Normie can be beautiful. The bath – in the sink. Lots of help.
One Day at Grandpa’s. Walking with the twins & Timmy. It’s a sad life. Shellie, just up from her nap, but all dressed up. The Vernard Frosts.
Highstepper Norman. Timmy & Shellie one year old. The twins 10 ½ months. Normie 6 months old. 4th of July Bang Bang!! Mommie’s Anniversary Roses. Sparklers.
At Sabbathday Lake on a Summers Day 1951. Sunning on Pop’s lawn.
April 1951
A boy and a girl (Dennis and Marcia) walking up the sidewalk. A man in front of the store. [Lee's Variety Store, 417 Main Street, Lewiston. "Tommy, our clerk."] Marcia, Dennis and a baby (Norman) in a stroller. Children playing in a toy car with Eshelman on the front. [Eshelman was a Baltimore, Maryland, manufacturer.) Marcia with glasses. (Film changes to color) Marcia on a bicycle decorated with American flags. Dennis carrying a flag. A man (Lionel) and Dennis looking out the second story windows of a building. A parade with marching bands, men in military uniform and boy scouts. Children playing outside. Marcia and Dennis giving Norman a bath. Babies, children and adults playing outside. Various people holding babies. Marcia and Dennis trying to break something with rocks, while Norman sits in a stroller. The children picking flowers. Sparklers in the dark. Norman playing in the water with Lionel. Children playing in the water. Children playing outside. [End of Reel]
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