[Anna B. Harris--home movies] Reel 34

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Reel 34 Woman walking along sidewalk (fast.) Too-fast shots of ice cream and souvenir shop. Underexposed or covered lens shot. Then children on sidewalk with adult behind them. In crosswalk. Too-fast shots of child drinking outside wooden objects display. This may be outlet for Manchester Woodcraft. Couple walking in driveway at house. Car drives away. Tree with someone way up in it. Women walking on lawn. Woman in blue outfit stops at barbecue grate set over stones in yard. Party at house, people walk around in front of camera, mostly in twos. Group poses with roses. View of lake, man fishing from roadside. Too-dark shot of field with deer in the distance.
Reel 34 box note: From Anna B. Harris, Manchester, Vermont

3 Copies

1) nhf-2420_0034.mov
8) nhf-2420_0034 16fps HD-Uncompressed 10-bit.mov
0:04:32.00; Unknown;
3) 2420.0034_F8
8 mm film; [50 ft.]; Silent; Color;