[Anna B. Harris--home movies] Reel 19
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Reel 19 color. Women walk by house with purpose, then they run and search in flower beds. Setting up a picnic table, one woman drinks, there is a bushel basket with supplies. One woman in a striped dress offers food from plate, four women stand and eat from plates. Underexposed view of people more formally dressed in garden. The woody wagon is in the background. Half a dozen people walk through the flower garden (still dark). They come around front of the house, one woman has white hair. Next sequence is with two setter dogs, three Caucasian women, one in a kilt. Then return to house with three garage doors (green), African American couple and women, greetings, shake hands. Two-door car (1950 Ford?) backs up.
Reel 19 box note: Sept. 1950 Veda. Winnie. Fa? Jennie? Victie. Lillian car. Bee Mary Alice. Katie. Flora. Etta. Orlen. Cassie. Carl in garden. Very good. Bee F. Mary H. NY. Date code 1950.
2 Copies