Sailing trip and family activities in Essex, 1940--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 17
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1940 - Essex and Sailing #15
Cynnie, Sally, Sam
Ox up-rooting bush, goat
Nurse Ellen
Clearing Pond
Putting up flag pole
Making tennis court and playing
B, Ches, Nana, Papa, Frannie haying
Sailing: Cyn and Ches steering, cat's cradle, B and poison ivy, B and Ches friends, old schooner
B&W: Sally walking in the grass, behind her men are digging up a tree. Also in the scene are an ox and a goat. Sally petting the goat. Ox starts to pull the tree up, but can’t so the men dig more. The ox pulls the tree out.
A woman pushes Sam in a buggy and pulls Sally on a sled with a rope around her waist. Long shot of Chet and one of the children (Cynthia) walking in the snow. Chet shovels snow off the ice, pulls the shovel with Sally sitting in it across the ice. Cynthia has a small shovel. Men working on something mechanical in a cart. Sam in the buggy in the yard (no snow) with a toddler sitting nearby. Sally walks through the yard playing with a ball, a woman pushes Sam’s buggy in the background. Cynthia and Sally sit on the steps in front of the house, a woman goes into the house. A small boy sits with Sally and Cynthia goes in the house. Several men and Chet work to raise a large flag pole with ropes. Chet untangles the cord and raises the flag. Cynthia and Sally playing in sandbox, Sam in his crib outside. Cynthia interacts with Sam. Kids play in the sandbox while Barbara and a friend watch. Barbara looking at a pigeon on the roof of the house, tries to lure it down. Chet sits with Chester and Sam (in his crib) on the patio.
Color- Putting up tennis net and putting the lines in the ground. Cynthia and Sally run around while Barb and Chester help hammer the nails into the ground. Cynthia hammering. Dorothy hammers into the ground with all the kids around her. Cynthia plays with a tennis racket and ball. Chester bounces a tennis ball and Cynthia tries to hit it with a racket with the help of an older girl, when she swings Cynthia is knocked down. Barbara and her friend play tennis against Chester and Chet.
On Nordlys – Chester and Cynthia behind the wheel. Chester behind the wheel while Cynthia climbs around the ship. Cynthia stands with Sam and helps him up when he sits. A dog comes over and the kids pet him. Dorothy’s mom (Ada) with Sally and Cynthia in the yard. Chet, Frannie, and Dorothy’s Dad (Harry) sit on the patio while the kids play in the yard with toy wheel barrows. Ada joins them. Dorothy puts Sam in the wheel barrel and helps Cynthia push. Ada and Frannie walk with Sam, Frannie gives her spot to Sally. On the boat. Chester and friends on the deck. Back on land. Man pumps up a tire of an old truck. People get in the back of the truck and it drives around the drive. Large three-masted schooner on the water. Sam plays with the dog and walks in the yard. Cynthia and Sally play with a doll and carriage. Men haying. Cynthia climbs in the hay pile. Four-masted schooner. Cynthia and Chester on the boat deck cleaning. Boat scenes. (15:27) Cynthia and Sally play in the sprinkler in the yard naked. Barbara and friends swim in the water off Nordly, girls on the boat eating watermelon. Dorothy (or maybe Frannie) show the girls how to do a cat’s cradle. Chester and Cynthia eating on the deck. Cynthia, Sally, and Sam in the front bench seat of the old truck. [End of Reel]
4 Copies