Investigators #11

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See tape for content list: Boston School, pt. 3-5; Danger Downwind, pt. 1-4
A girl walking down the street, identified as 12 year old [Christina Peoples?]. Shots of Christina in a classroom in the Martin Luther King Middle School in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The reporter (Jorge Quiroga) states that Christina reads at a first grade level. Interview with Christina. Interview with a teacher, who says there are many students who make it to sixth grade without learning how to read. Interview with a woman [Christina’s mother?]. Shot of the exterior of the John Fitzgerald Kennedy School in Jamaica Plain, Boston, Massachusetts. Shot of a student reading. Reporter discusses teachers. Interview with a woman who says the Boston school system needs more resources. Teacher [Andi Onesio?] and students in a classroom. Interviews with teachers. Reporter discusses school dropout rate among Hispanic students. Interview with a woman, who says this is due to neglect and students being “written off”. Interviews with education officials. Shot of [Christina Peoples?]. Interview with a woman [Christina’s mother?] [End of story, 00:00:00-00:06:16] Students entering South Boston High School. A male reporter (Jorge Quiroga) in voiceover. Shots of students and teachers in classrooms. Interview with a teacher. Reporter speaking to the camera. Reporter says classes are inadequate, because there are too many schools for too few students. Interview with the Boston school superintendent. Interview with a student. A meeting of the school committee. Clips discussing closing schools. Interview with Sam Tyler, who says the school committee’s staff is unnecessary. Shots of classrooms. Interview with a teacher. People speaking at the school committee meeting. Shots of South Boston High. Interview with a teacher. [End of story, 00:06:16-00:13:26] Students gathered around lockers. A male reporter (Jorge Quiroga) in voiceover, identifies the location as Greenway Middle School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Shots of classrooms. A teachers meeting. Interviews with teachers. Children playing indoor hockey. Shots of classrooms. Reporter discusses teacher training. Shots of the streets of Pittsburgh. Interview with a school official. Reporter discusses lower dropout rate in Pittsburgh. Shots of classrooms. Interview with a school official. Teacher and students in a classroom at the Fisk International Studies Center. Reporter speaking to the camera. Children reading. Interview with a man. He blames politics for Boston’s struggling schools. Interviews with teachers. [End of story, 00:13:26-00:19:58] [Gap 00:19:58-00:22:25] A woman using a machine to make a circuit-board, at the AT&T plant in North Andover, Massachusetts. Shots of the plant. Shot of a hazardous waste container. A male reporter (David Ropeik) in voiceover, discusses the risk of hazardous materials used at the plant to workers and the local community. Interview with an AT&T representative. Shots of the Raytheon plant in Andover, Massachusetts. Both plants have toxic emissions. Interview with a Raytheon representative. Aerial shot of the plant. Interview with a man. The reporter speaking to the camera, discussing federal reporting on air pollution. Interview with a man. Discussion of the 5000 industrial plants in Massachusetts. Discussion of government regulation of air pollution. Shot of the Massachusetts mobile air testing lab. Interview with a man. [End of story, 00:22:25-00:28:39] Shot of the James River Graphics plant in South Hadley, Massachusetts. A male reporter, (David Ropeik) in voiceover, says the plant was the largest emitter of toxic chemicals in the state in 1987. Shots of workers and machinery inside the plant. Interviews with local community members. Interview with a James River Graphics representative, who says the plants emissions are below state regulations. The reporter speaking to the camera, discussing government regulation of air pollution. Interview with an EPA official. Interview with a woman [EPA official?] Reporter discusses legal air pollution. Shot of Globe Manufacturing plant in Fall River, Massachusetts. Interview with toxicologist [Jerry P?]. Interview with James River Graphics representative. Shots of plants and town. Interview with a man. [End of story, 00:28:39-00:34:38] Shot of machinery in the AT&T plant in North Andover, Massachusetts. A male reporter, (David Ropeik) in voiceover, discusses use of Freon for manufacturing, and its destructive effect on the ozone layer. Shots of manufacturing plants. Interview with a woman. Interview with an EPA official. Discussion of new air pollution legislation. The reporter speaking to the camera, discussing changes to manufacturing to limit toxic chemical use. Interview with an AT&T representative. Shot of people working in the AT&T plant clean-room. Shots of the James River Graphics plant. Discussion of incineration of chemicals. Interview with a company representative. Shots of the Polaroid plant. Discussion of ways in which Polaroid is cutting emissions. [End of story, 00:34:38-00:41:08] Shots of machinery at Bull Information Systems in Boston, Massachusetts. A male reporter, (David Ropeik) in voiceover, discusses air pollution from toxic chemicals in manufacturing. Interview with a man. [Company representative?] Discussion of the hazards of air pollution. Interview with a woman. Discussion of government regulation of emissions. Interview with toxicologist [Jerry P?] Interview with a woman. Shots of manufacturing plants. Reporter speaking to the camera. [End of story, 00:41:08-00:44:38]

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