Investigators #9

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1987 – 1988
See tape for content list: Hard Crime, pt. 2&4; Chelsea Drugs, pt. 3; Cocaine Carter, pt. 1-3; DSS, pt. 1-2
A group of men playing basketball. Inside a courtroom in Roxbury, Massachusetts. A male reporter, (Jorge Quiroga) in voiceover. Shot of a person in a jail cell. The reporter interviews a woman as they walk down the street. She talks about people not showing up for court dates and having their cases dismissed. Interview with a man whose father was robbed. The reporter speaking to the camera. Interview with a man [Ernest Scott?] whom the reporter identifies as Muslim. [Nation of Islam] Shot of ‘Muhammad’s Mosque No. 11’, in Roxbury. Shots of supposed drug deals. Ernest Scott says members of the mosque “moved” the drug dealers. Shot of ‘Sister Clara Muhammad School’. School children. Interview with a hairdresser. Interview with restaurant owners. Interview with a judge. Interview with a police officer. [End of story, 00:00:00-00:04:26] People being arrested, suspected of car theft. A male reporter (Jorge Quiroga), in voiceover. Interview with a man. The reporter speaking from an empty courtroom. Shots of a courtroom, as names are read out. Reporter says people do not show up for court, and the cases are dismissed. Shots of arrests. Interview with a judge. Interview with a man. Interview with a lawyer. [Ron Lock?] Interview with a police officer. A group of teenagers on the street. Reporter discussing bail. Interview with a police officer. Interview with a judge, who says bail cannot be set higher. Shot of arrests. Interview with a man. Interview with a woman on the street. [Racist?] [End of story, 00:04:26-00:09:45] A person filling a syringe, their face obscured. Shot of two men playing guitar in a church. Interview with a woman [Barbara Donnalen?]. Children playing on a park playground. Security footage of supposed drug dealers in the park. Kids playing in the park. Report says local parents put pressure on the town to add more police patrols and renovate local apartment buildings. Interview with a police officer. Interview with a store owner. The reporter speaking to the camera, next to a wall with graffiti reading: “R.I.P Ruben We All Love U!”. Still photograph of Ruben [Posel?]. [Ruben Posel?] was killed in a drive by shooting. Shot of a man in a jail cell. People gathered outside the ‘Welsh Funeral Home’. Interview with a man and a woman, Tony and Blanca Hernandez, who moved to be farther away from areas known for drug dealing. Shots of interviewees and people on the street. Children on the playground. The reporter in the studio. [End of story, 00:09:45-00:15:40] People harvesting coca near [Los Tigres?], Colombia. People grieving in the village of La Mejor Esquina. A male reporter (Jorge Quiroga) in voiceover, describes the massacre of 38 [28?] people by local drug lords. Interview with an American man. People carrying a casket. People shot on the street. Shots of the city of Medellín. The reporter speaking to the camera while walking down the street. A car wreck with bullet holes, from the assassination of the Colombian attorney general. [Carlos Mauro Hoyos Jiménez?] A man weighing cocaine. People in a crowd, some waving handkerchiefs. The reporter says they are reporters protesting the death the newspaper publisher. [Guillermo Cano Isaza?] Shot of a casket being lowered. Interview with a man, Juan Gomez, newspaper publisher and mayor of Medellín, speaking about his attempted kidnapping. Interview with Pablo Escobar. Photographs of other members of the Medellín Cartel. A policeman [military?] on horseback. Interview with a man on the street, who says the cartel creates jobs. Shots of Medellín. Shot of a newspaper article with a picture of Pablo Escobar and the headline: “Un Robin Hood paisa”. Shots of Barrio Pablo Escobar. Interview with a man on the street. Footage of Pablo Escobar kicking a soccer ball in a stadium. Shot of flamingos and camels. Still of Pablo Escobar. Interview with Juan Gomez. [End of story, 00:15:40-00:21:32] A man crouches on the street in Bogotá, Colombia. A male reporter (Jorge Quiroga) in voiceover, describes the cocaine trade. Shot of a little girl on the street. A boy smoking, according to the reporter, basuco. [Cocaine paste] Interview with a boy and a woman on the street about drug use. Colombian police breaking down doors and assaulting the people inside. [Arrested?] Interview with men. [Americans?] The reporter speaking to the camera, in front of the Colombian supreme court building. Footage of a gun fight in the street. The mayor of Bogotá, greeting people after escaping a kidnapping. Shots of funerals. Interview with an American official. [possibly US Ambassador to Colombia Charles A. Gillespie Jr.?] Police (or soldiers) on the street. Interview with a man. Reporter speaking to the camera. Footage of Fabio Ochoa Restrepo, watching horseback riders. Wreckage of houses and cars. Children protesting in the street. Shot of the Capitolio Nacional and Bolivar Square. Shot of a sign: “Embassy of the United States of America – Embajada de los Estados Unidos de America”. Interview with a man. Interview with people on the street, who say the US should stop buying cocaine. A man processing cocaine. Wreckage of a building. Interview with [ambassador?] Shots of a funeral. [End of story, 00:21:32-00:27:39] Shot of the Cauca region of Colombia. A male reporter (Jorge Quiroga), in voiceover. Farmers harvesting coca. Interview with a farmer. Interview with a woman, who talks about the many murders. Soldiers walking through the woods. Reporter discusses military destruction of coca, and a UN program of crop substitution. The reporter speaking to the camera, as people fish in the background. Shots of farming. People walking through the woods to a cocaine processing camp. Coca processing. Shots of the streets of the city of Medellín. Soldiers in a tank. Interview with a man [Mayor of Medellín?] Shots of burning labs and trucks. Interview with a man. People on the street. A large wooden cross in a field. Interview with an official. [End of story, 00:27:39-00:33:09] Clips of stories regarding child abuse. A male reporter speaking to the camera, discussing increased cases for the Department of Social Services. Still of a toddler, identified as [Robbie Sinclair?]. Interview with a man, Charles [Sinclair?]. Clips of Damon Sneed, accused of murdering Charles’ son Robbie. Interviews with neighbors. Sketches depicting abuse. Interview with a social worker. Interview with a woman. Shots inside the Worcester Department of Social Services. Interview with DSS workers. Reporter discusses social worker caseload. Shots of infants and children. [End of story, 00:33:09-00:39:58] Various shots of social workers arriving at homes. Shots of workers in the Worcester Department of Social Services. Interview with a social worker. A male reporter, speaking to the camera. Interview with a man who claims he is wrongfully accused of abuse. Reporter discusses the case of a girl with down’s syndrome whose family reported suspected abuse to DSS, but the family claims DSS pressured the girl into naming family members as abusers. [Report over clips from a music video by Peter Cetera] The family feels the social worker was inexperienced as it was her first case. The father was ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing. Shot of the father and his daughter outside their home. Interview with a DSS worker. Children on a swing set. Interview with a psychologist. Social workers visiting homes. [End of story, 00:39:58-00:46:44]

3 Copies
