Paula Lyons Edit Reel #1

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See tape for content list: 1) Cordless phones, 3/30 2) VDT Safety Training, 4/5 3) Cablevision, 4/13 4) Termite Dog, 4/17 5) Prescription Drug Survey, 5/15 6) Invasion of Privacy, 5/18 7) Will Kits, 5/25 8) Exercise Don’t pt. 2, 6/15 9) Travelers beware- Auto repair, 6/19 10) Airline delays, 7/5 11) Ibuprofen, 7/6 12) Leasing a car, 8/3 13) Coupon Clipping, 2/11 14) Windshields shatter proof, 9/14 15) ARM’s pt 1&2, 9/27-28 17) Flat Rate Auto repairs, 11/13 18) Chelation Therapy, 11/23 19) Grey Mkt. Sekos, 12/7 20) High tech products, 12/8

1 Copy
