Farmer's Grapes

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8. Farmer's Grapes - Story about grocery stores in the Boston area joining the boycott of California Grapes called for by the United Farmworker's Union. Footage of people in the produce isle of a grocery store with reporter voice over about the lack of California table grapes in certain grocery store chains. Cut to a man from the American Farm Bureau Federation discussing the harmful tampering of food markets by retailers that are removing a certain product from their inventory for social reasons. Back to footage of people in the produce isle of a grocery store with reporter voiceover about the response from a store executive that they are reacting to requests from customers that the store join in the grape boycott. Reporter standup. Silent b-roll of customers looking at produce, a pan of the produce isle, a woman weighing tomatoes and a close up of a fruit tray with a sign that reads, "This tray contians artificial fruit. Of you wish you may order one with real fruit." Mix of sound and silent, 85 ft. (Boston TV ID 2394.11751.8)

2 Copies
