Nude In

Cape Cod (Mass.)
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Nude In - [180 ft] (Boston TV ID 2394.09722.6 Long shot of a beach full of people,followed by some closer shots of both nude and clothed people on the beach. Interview with two seperate women about the nude beachgoers. Several shots of different men with cameras and binoculars on and around the beach. Reporter voice over with no image. Interview with a nude woman on the beach who had been arrested in the past for indecent exposure. More footage of people on the beach, both clothed and nude. Reporter voice over with no image. Several attempts to interview the men with cameras and binaculars around the beach, but they turn away. Shot of a naked man on the beach syrrounded by clothed people and a shot of a naked man on a blanket. Two police officers standing on the beach. Shot of a person getting her leg painted. Reporter voice over with no image. Sound. Un-edited story.

2 Copies
