[Charles S. Clark--home movies] Reel 22

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Can/reel notes as follows. Reel numbers are NHF-assigned. 22. '[Chasinahl?] Dec.1968, 9 mo. old, 50'. Trucks at Dixmont in snow, Nov 1968 and [Chasinahl?] 1968. Dog sled race at Glenburn, Feb 1969. Storm of 1969. Snow at Dixmont 1969 (Hog Hill). Bulldozing house down, April 1966. [Chasinahl?] May 1969, 14 mo. old.' (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 22: Intertitles: '1968. (1) Chasenaht(9 mo. old. (2) Trucks in snow at Dixmont & Chasenaht. 1969. (3) Dog sled race at Glenburn. (4) Storm of '69. (5) Bulldozing house down. (6) Chasenaht(14 mo. old) ' 00:38. Man leading horse by rein. Snow on ground. Horse and man walk along. Man leads horse through a few paces. 02:47. Horse prances. 03:06. Repeat of aforescribed action. Horse bobs head while man holds him by reins. Horse runs about while being held by reins. Prances in snow. 04:00. Horse, man run around together. Both run forward at a fast pace. Blanket has been draped on horse. Men by 'Chevrolet' pickup truck. Winter. One man has shovel. Front, side of truck. 05:05. Man shovels snow near truck. Truck motoring through snow. Man by parked truck. He smiles. Truck being driven over snow. It jounces a bit. Trees, both bare and evergreens. 06:01. Truck motors through snow in tree area. Tree area. Truck going through snow. Man leading horse from stable. Man holds horse's reins. Horse, man enter fenced field. Other man present. Horse nuzzles snow. He walks along, sniffing now and again. Horse begins to run. 07:02. He picks up pace. Snowy meadow. Dog sled race in progress. Shot snow fence, leafless, stark foliage. Man on sled behind dogs digs foot into snow to pick up pace. Dog pack racing across field. The pack, men on sleds behind each of the two packs push on sleds to pick up speed. Spectators watch as dogs go by. 08:04. Shot of racing pack. Man standing on sled. Pack rounds a curve. Pov. pan. of race, snowy expanse of ground. Barn. Window of vehicle. Pack slows pace. 09:01. Racing continues. Man digs heel into snow to speed up sled, pack. Expanse of snow, snowbank. Exterior of home with high snowbanks piled before it. Left track pan. of snow, area. Car almost buried in snow. Snow-covered truck. Wind blows the snow. Snow piled high near window of home. Right tracking pan. of snow-covered area. 10:03. Woman shoveling snow outside of garage. Two men help her. Snowbank increases as people shovel snow onto it. Pan. of shoveled snow as it grows higher due to shovelers. Snow plow cutting through the snow. Plow pushes snow out of way before it. Cab of plow. 11:04. Truck bed with snowmobile on it. Man, woman by open door of truck. Plowed road with snow still on it, silo. 11:02. Shot tracks to left to evergreen grove. Snowbank so high that it hides lower half of house. Snow-covered roof. Snowy road, trees along side. 12:08. Pov. ride through this high snow. Right track shot of high snow. Road, trees. Truck coming down road. Pump is visible at left. Front of truck, driver. Snow banked on either side of road. Two horses trying to graze in snow. 13:00. The horses break into a run. Side by side, they race through snow. They go forward single file. Horses pause to sniff, nuzzle noses in the snow. They nudge one another. Snow, bare bushes, evergreen trees in background. 14:00. The horses sprint forward. Man watches as horses run, prance. Lone horse sprints along. Other horse joins him. They run about. They pause, but resume running. They walk in stable area. 15:01. The horses stop. They run a few more paces. One tries to graze through the snow. They resume their running. Two men by fence near exterior of home. 16:00. Two other men join them. Man on snowplow. Exterior of deserted home, windows dark, bare. Appliances, piano lie in yard. Man with bulldozer near this home. It is about to be demolished. Bulldozer begins the razing. The fallen home. Man walks amongst ruins. Remaining roof. Rubble, ruins. Bulldozer pushing at remaining structure. 17:03. The bulldozer is 'taking down' what remains of the home. Rubble, ruins once more. Bull dozer climbing rubble. The roof descends. The roof crumbles. General view of the decimated home, the rubble. The bare ground with but a section of wall remaining. Right-tracking pan. of area where house once was. Person walks through area. 18:03. Left pan. of former house area. Snow, mountain side in immediate distance. Fire is ablaze in area. Man tends to fire. Men, horses near fence. The horses break into run. Horses run about in barn area. Horse prances, nods head. Other horse joins this one. The two prance, nudge each other. 19:02. Horses bob heads, continue frolicing. They pause. One grazes. Horse runs spiritedly about. Companion joins in. They run, follow each other. 20:00. Man leads horse on rein. Colt is beside of horse. Horse, pony run forward. Pony frisks about while horse grazes. Pony, horse break into run. Horse grazes.

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