[The Investigators: Protestant School for the Blind]

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April 15 1977
On can: 4/15/77 On leader: Investigators Freeze Frame 4/15/77 On other leader slugs: 2 Investigators Robinson 4/15/77 I Investigators Robinson 4/15/77
Description from Assignment Sheet: "re: Protestant Guild for the blind in Watertown, alleging that the head of the school is wealthy, a minister, and is not what he should be for a man in his role, whatever that means."
Reporter voice over; Private school for the handicapped in Watertown is on the verge of financial collapse following a teacher strike which is in its 10th week. The Union is alleging that the school's director, Reverend Wesley Price, is engaged in unethical behavior. Price declined comment for the story. Interview with Union leader Edward Sullivan. B-roll of Price's house, his church Boston Home of Truth, and a Monastery that operates as a second school for the disabled, teachers on strike, and Sullivan interview b-roll. Reporter voice over describing the locations previously seen in the b-roll and discussing Price's assets.

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