[Maxim--home movies] Reel 8

Connecticut, United States
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Amateur footage. Content description for Can N8 in quotes below; numbers are donor-assigned. (UNEDITER) NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 8: Large bullseye target. Center expands. Letters: 'ACLS' appear in center. White ring around center moves about. Bullseye dissolves into turning globe of the world. 45:44. Screen intertitle: 'Member Amateur Cinema League. The world wide organization of amateur movie makers.' Mapped globe obliterates letters. Screen intertitles: 'Come out into the crisp air of New England-as winter comes and lays its solemn hand upon all things-When the shadows are long and cold-and where all nature sleeps in silence and mystery'. 47:00. Elderly man skates over icy surface. Water of stream flows in midst of snowy, breaking icebergs. Snow is falling. Bare trees, tree trunk covered with snow. Foliage, broken ice on surface of stream. Foliage, snow at side of stream. Gnarled trees, snowy surface. 48:06. Person walks down road. Stream flowing amidst ice. Bare trees. Fragments of ice. Snow continues to fall. Lady walks through snow. She grasps side of tree. Screen intertitle: 'Where it seems profane to mar the silence and the purity.' Snow-covered ground. Snow-laden evergreens. Branches in wind. 49:01. Small trail through snow. Snow-laden trees. Snowy ground. Man on skis walks through snow. Evergreen trees. Snowy grounds. 50:01. Grove evergreens. One at right heavy with snow. Snowy path. Snow laden trees frame each side. Snowy path. Small ski trail. Branches of trees, heavy with snow. 51:04. Different tree branches heavy with snow. Snowy evergreen trees. Smaller trees, bushes covered with snow. 52:00. C.U. of snow-laden tree branches. Smaller snowy branches. Person walks on snowy lake surface. Slides along small patch of ice. Man runs forward and slides on small patch of ice. Skater-like, he slides over it once more. 53::03. Man sits on skis. He is beside of lady. Both use skis as sled. Man, woman walk up hill. Each carries a ski. Man, lady ascend hill carrying skis. Lady carries hers under arm while man carries his over shoulder. Man descends hill on skis. Pan. shot of skiers, ski slope, general area. Two skiers descend, making ski jump. Man walking up ski slope. Bare-trunk trees at side. 54:04. Screen intertitle: 'Cold and silent and lonely'. Heavily-snowed ground and evergreen trees. Fence further up in same area. Evergreen trees and bare trees comprise three-quarters of circle about fence. Frozen stream, leafless foliage, snowy ground, bare bushes. Screen intertitle: 'When life is an invigorating struggle'. Driver in car. Ground is covered with snow. Snow is falling. 55:02. As snow blows, car is driven into a garage. Car is backed out of garage. Tires spin in snow. Car goes forward. Another car follows behind. Cozy parlor. Lamps, large windows, desk, chairs. Older lady is reading paper as she sits in easy chair. View through large windows. Outside is snowy, inclement. 56:01. Snow falls covering parked car and everything else. Back of car with spare tire attached. Streetcars navigate snow of city streets. Lady holds umbrella. Snow pelts down. Little boy, coat and hat covered in snow. Pedestrians. Cop on corner. He is dressed for the inclement weather. Pedestrians walk through snow on sidewalk. Lady wearing fur coat. She smiles. 57:00. Rear exterior of car, spare tire covered with snow. Snow continues to fall and blow. People approach car. They peer in. Car is driven forward. Car is stopped. Two ladies stand beside car. Lady basks, sits in snowbank. Exterior of building. Car almost buried in snow. Front of car. Lady shovels snow. Truck plows through snow, a man standing on the runningboard. Two men slide down hill aboard individual sleds. 58:10. Making a running start, the men repeat sliding venture. Two cars motor down hill. View of hill, low foliage, fence. Screen intertitle: 'And thus until the awakening in the spring.' Pond surface, mirroring surrounding foliage, trees. 59:00. Scene fades as black frames coalesce from each side. Screen intertitle: 'The End.' 'Winter in Connecticut.'

7 Copies
